Divi from Elegant Themes is a fantastic tool if you want or need to build a website almost in no time. It comes with many layouts you can use as a starting point in many occasion.
Personally I’m more into what we can call “custom theme development”, but sometimes, above all when clients are startup with not so much budget and simply need a marketing website for their business, Divi Theme can be a great and cheap tool to use.
It comes with a good and easy to use builder and many templates that let you speed up your building process drastically.
It also comes with a Custom Post Type called “Project” that is possible to use for portfolio or case studies websites. In many other cases it is completely useless and I prefer to hide it from the WordPress dashboard.
This is how Projects appear in the dashboard when you install the Divi Theme.
And this is how it appears when Projects CPT are removed and hidden.
Code Snippet
To achive this result simply open your “functions.php” file and add this code at the end of it. As you can see we use the Divi Theme hook called “et_project_posttype_args” to hide the “Project” CPT from our dashboard.
* Hide Divi "Project" custom post type.
function mb_et_project_posttype_args( $args ) {
return array_merge( $args, array(
'public' => false,
'exclude_from_search' => false,
'publicly_queryable' => false,
'show_in_nav_menus' => false,
'show_ui' => false
add_filter( 'et_project_posttype_args', 'mb_et_project_posttype_args', 10, 1 );
I think that hiding the Project CPT from the dashboard is good when you don’t use them, above all to not confuse clients or website users.
I hope this tutorial will help you out.
Code Long and Prosper!